US Gov Treasury that manages $8T Confidential NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION files exposed

Why Not Matrix

I was bullied by a customer-focused, highest-market-value company

No, QuestDB is not Faster than ClickHouse

Vanced Team going into detail about Vanced being discontinued

All New Cars Sold in EU to Be Fitted with Data Recording 'Black Box'

Why Telegram had to follow Apple and Google when they suspended a voting app

How India Surveils Its Citizens

Reviewing the app behind “My small revenge on Apple” (security)

Why Isn’t Telegram End-to-End Encrypted by Default

Notion Is a UX Disaster is gone. We must bring it back

F*** Cloud Messaging

Telegram annoucnes the discontinuation of blockchain project

Atbswp, a Minimalist Macro Recorder

Why Isn’t Telegram End-to-End Encrypted by Default?

“Why Using WhatsApp Is Dangerous“

Why computers suck & how learning from OpenBSD can make them less horrible

PIA VPN to be acquired by malware company founded by former Israeli spy

WhatsApp Will Never Be Secure

Recovery of Lost Apollo Data Has Solved a 40-Year-Old Mystery on The 'Moon Warming'

Why Isn’t Telegram End-to-End Encrypted by Default?

Ad blocking is under attack: anti-adblocking company makes all ad blockers unblock their domain via a DMCA request

Why Telegram Voice Calls Are Blocked in Countries Like China or Iran

GAO.GOV 40M secret docs exposed on Google reported at

Deutsche Bank $2B deal Secret Documents exposed

Why Clojure