Developing Microrobotics for Disaster Recovery and High-Risk Environments

Darpa Gremlins

The Heilmeier Catechism (1977)

DARPA and the Internet RevolutIon

Now you see them: DARPA's Stealth Revolution

Darpa Goes “Meta” with Machine Learning for Machine Learning (2016)

Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)

DARPA - Open Project Catalog

Darpa's ElectRx Project: neuromodulation of organs to help body heal (2014)

DARPA - Our Research

Darpa Seeks to Create Software Systems That Could Last 100 Years

Getting Closer to Delivering Big Things in Small Packages to Space

Mining and Understanding Software Enclaves

DARPA’s Extreme Accuracy Tasked Ordnance (EXACTO) program recently conducted the first successful live-fire tests demonstrating in-flight guidance of .50-caliber bullets. This video shows EXACTO rounds maneuvering in flight to hit targets that are offset from where the sniper rifle is aimed.