
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Cloud Performance on a "Toy" Computer: From Python to Rust

I rebuilt my algorithmic trading platform in Rust. I'm filled with regret

Timeseries Indexing at Scale

Enhancing Code Completion for Rust in Cody

Dioxus Labs + “High-level Rust”

A recursive division benchmark among different systems programming languages (C vs. C++ vs. Rust vs. Zig)

More Memory Safety for Let's Encrypt: Deploying ntpd-rs

The Redshift project seems to be abandoned, so I rewrote it in Rust

The borrow checker within

Hitting the wall with Rust’s borrow checker

Ant Group open sources Mako, a front-end build tool, based on Rust.

Making a const version of Rust's array::from_fn - How hard can it be?

Master Hexagonal Architecture in Rust (parts 1 & 2)

🥔 Kartoffels 🥔: Online Robot Combat Arena! -- v0.1.0

Farm: Fast vite compatible build tool written in Rust

Surface UEFI: Now using Rust

Enter paradis — A new chapter in Rust's parallelism story

New sort implementations merged in the Rust standard library - up to 2x faster

Rust and dynamically-sized thin pointers


Claiming, auto and otherwise


\Device\Afd, or, the Deal with the Devil that makes async Rust work on Windows

999 crates of Rust on the wall

Swapping GNU coreutils for uutils coreutils on Gentoo Linux

in-place construction seems surprisingly simple?

Rust has three reference types!

uuid now properly sorts v7 ids

#![doc = include_str!()] with intra-doc links

On Dependency Usage in Rust

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