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Notes on the Crystal Language

Brackets are awesome, don’t use them

The Dune Shell

Type-erased generic functions for C: A modest non-proposal

macro-forth: Forth implemented in compile-time rust macros

Use of Prolog for developing a new programming language (1992)

Control structures


C8C: A chip8 compiler, assembler, and virtual machine

Conservative GC can be faster than precise GC

Adding algebraic data types to Nickel

Will we be writing Hare in 2099?

A commentary on 24 days of GHC extensions, part 3 (2014)

Type Inference Needs Revolution (2015)

Swift Creator Chris Lattner on Mojo and Roc [video]

Hylo - The Safe Systems and Generic-programming Language Built on Value Semantics

Flambda2 Ep. 3: Speculative Inlining

MiniLang: A type-safe C successor

Null-Restricted and Nullable Types

Ask: are there languages with first class table support, similar to struct or map?

Fear Not the Association of Types

Don't write Rust like it's Java

Heap Intervals in Solidity

State and time are the same thing

Division and Modulus for Computer Scientists (2003)

Building Type Search for Unison

Compiler front-end infrastructure

SQL Has Problems. We Can Fix Them: Pipe Syntax In SQL

aya-dev: A proof assistant and a dependently-typed language

It's not simple to add function keyword arguments to Go

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