Fixing a bug in Google Chrome as a first-time contributor

My favorite tools and techniques for procedural gamedev

Trying Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks in Practice

Subdividing + Deforming Arbitrary 3D Meshes

What I've learned building interactive embedding visualizations

Trying Out Cloudflare's `foundations` Library for Rust

Reverse Engineering a Neural Network's Clever Solution to Binary Addition

Wrapping Meshes with Geodesic Walks

Growing Bonsai Networks with RNNs

Building a Signal Analyzer with Modern Web Tech

Reverse Engineering a Neural Network's Clever Solution to Binary Addition

Reverse Engineering a Neural Network's Clever Solution to Binary Addition

Speeding Up Three.JS with Depth-Based Fragment Culling

Logic Through the Lens of Neural Networks

Middle-End Development with SvelteKit + TensorFlow.JS

Exploring Neural Networks Visually in the Browser

My Evaluation of SvelteKit for Full-Stack Web App Development

Self-Hosting Dozens of Web Applications and Services on a Single Server

Habits I've Developed for Fast and Efficient Programming

Using Graph Embeddings for Music Visualization + Discovery with node2vec

Optimizing at the CPU instruction level in the browser w. Rust and WebAssembly

Building a Wavetable Synthesizer From Scratch with Rust, WebAssembly, and WebAudio

My Thoughts on Rust's Future - A Positive Outlook

Deploying a REST API with Diesel, Rocket, and MySQL on Google Cloud Run

A Rusty Advent of Code: My AOC Experience with the Rust Community