
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Weird but (sometimes) useful charts

IO Devices and Latency

The DuckDB Local UI

When a Hyperspectral Image is a Cube

Kill Math (2011)

OpenTimes: Free travel times between U.S. Census geographies

Block-based UI Libraries for Data Flow?

Stumbling our way into Solving the World's Oldest Board Game

Inventing On Principle (2012)

"random art" algorithm for hash visualization

ISBN Visualization

Tauri vs. Flutter: Comparison for Desktop Input Visualization Tools

DBSCAN Algorithm Visualization: Watch How Points Transform into Stunning Half-Moon Clusters in Machine Learning

FlakeUI - Asymptotic dynamic graph visualization tool

"random art" algorithm for hash visualization

Diffty - Local Git diff visualization and review tracking tool

Winners of the $10k ISBN visualization bounty

“The closer to the train station, the worse the kebab” – a “study”

Visualizing all books of the world in ISBN-Space

Are LLMs able to notice the “gorilla in the data”?

ninjavis – generate visualization from ninja build logs

MESI Cache Coherency Protocol Visualization

Show HN: HTML visualization of a PDF file's internal structure

Need advice: Best approach for real-time 3D terrain visualization (with possible infrastructure placement later on)

Simlify Algorithm Visualization and Analysis And convert them in Flowchart

Diffty - Local Git diff visualization and review tracking tool

Montreal Subway Foot Traffic Data, 2024 edition

altair-upset: The Evolution of UpSet plots in Altair

Grist - a modern relational spreadsheet

Any standard graph representations?

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