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Pregnant women who sleep less than 7 hours a night may have children with developmental delays

New study finds Ozempic patients have a 42%-68% lower risk of opioid overdose

Neuroticism, a personality trait characterized by emotional instability and a heightened stress response, is associated with negative health outcomes, including dementia

New therapy that destroys tau tangles shows promise for Alzheimer’s

Scientists find neurons that process language on different timescales

New research identifies a hormonal imbalance linked to PTSD

Sensory overload: Study shows adults with ADHD have greater sensitivity to touch.

Recording the cats in the hats: In a world first, veterinary scientists have found a way to scan the brains of cats while they’re awake, using electrodes concealed under specially knitted wool caps, electrodes that cats normally shake off when being tested for chronic pain.

Revolutionary drug for schizophrenia wins US approval

Consuming berries, tea and red wine may reduce the risk of dementia, new study shows

How your brain detects patterns in the everyday: without conscious thought

Nanoplastics have the potential to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB), suggests a new study using human BBB cells

Eating fish may help protect against cognitive decline, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease

High levels of cognitively stimulating leisure activity (CSLA) in older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) can slow further decline

Tree-covered neighborhoods linked to lower ADHD risk in children

EEG scans reveal early signs of PTSD development in sexual assault survivors

Scientists find that children whose families use screens a lot have weaker vocabulary skills — and videogames have the biggest negative effect

Researchers have shown that gut bacteria balance can influence hypopituitarism symptoms in mice, leading to growth problems, infertility, and poor stress responses

Endogenous opioid signalling regulates spinal ependymal cell proliferation

Principles of cortical areas and their implications for neuroimaging

Brain goop that traps hunger neurons drives obesity: A mechanism for metabolic disease is traced to a defective cellular scaffolding that holds together the brain’s hunger cells.

Individuals taking high doses of the stimulant face more than a fivefold increased risk of developing psychosis or mania

Researchers say meeting your pupper's gaze and petting them causes our brains to synchronise

Adolescents with smaller amygdala region of the brain have higher risk of developing ADHD

Alcohol-related imagery disrupts moral processing in the brains of people with alcoholism

Our state of attention is shaped by a handful of neurons in the locus coeruleus, which handle the shift from deep focus to broader awareness using the neurotransmitter noradrenaline

A study on around 10,000 kids found that those with the most disturbed sleep at age 10 had the highest rates of suicidal thoughts and behaviours by age 12

Covid lockdown sped up ageing in teenage brains, study finds

Autistic adults experience complex emotions, a revelation that could shape better therapy for neurodivergent people

Scientists discover sleep “reset” mechanism in the brain that prevents memory overload

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