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Hydrothermal Environment Discovered Deep Beneath the Ocean

'Equals' has more than one meaning in math

Parkinson's Link to Gut Bacteria Suggests Unexpected, Simple Treatment

Wild New Study Suggests Gravity Can Exist Without Mass

Ancient Star Seen Zooming Through Space at 600 Kilometers per Second

Mathematicians Accidentally Found a New Way to Represent Pi

The First Animal Ever Found That Doesn't Need Oxygen to Survive

Third Form of Life Makes Energy in 'Remarkable' Ways, Scientists Discover

Evidence of earth's first rains found trapped within primordial crystals

Alien-looking species seen for first time ever in ocean's darkest depths

Giant Tonga Volcanic Eruption Could Disrupt Weather for Years to Come

Alaska's Pristine Waterways Are Turning Orange

An Untapped Source of Lithium Has Just Been Found in the US

Crows Can Count Out Loud New Study Shows

Scientists Reveal Why You Should Never Take Pebbles from the Beach

Scientists Confirm Microplastics Now Detected in Human Testicles

Toxoplasma Gondii significantly alters wolf behavior

Cannabis use linked to epigenetic changes, study reveals

Creepy Study Suggests AI Is the Reason We've Never Found Aliens

Wild Discovery Suggests a Warp Drive Is Possible Within Known Physics

Scientists Find a 'Missing Link' Between Poor Diet and Higher Cancer Risk

It's Official: Scientists Confirmed What's Inside the Moon

Haunting Sounds from the Largest Living Thing

AI Could Explain Why We're Not Meeting Any Aliens, Wild Study Proposes

Light Waves Brought to a Stop in a Crystal Promises New Ways to Control Photons

Vision can predict dementia 12 years before diagnosis, study finds

Plants Do 'Scream'. We've Simply Never Heard It Until Now

Hypothesis That Universe Has No Dark Matter and Is 27B Years Old

New 'Exercise Pill' Could Induce Fitness Benefits Without Exercise

FDA Approves Wegovy for Heart Conditions in Game-Changing Move

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