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Quantum feat: physicists observe entangled quarks for first time

On the same origin of quantum physics and general relativity from Riemannian geometry and Planck scale formalism

Physicists discover “hidden turbulence” throughout van Gogh’s Starry Night

Sunflowers in a field can co-ordinate the circular motions of their growing stems to minimize the amount of shade each plant experiences – a study has revealed

Dark energy from topology change induced by microscopic Gauss-Bonnet wormholes

Researchers have developed a new software package that can accurately model how sound, water, or light waves are scattered when they meet complex particle configurations — which can help in the development of materials that block or deflect waves

Twisted fibres capture more water from fog. Twisted fibres are more efficient at capturing and transporting water from foggy air than straight ones

The radioactive half-life of samarium-146 has been measured to the highest accuracy and precision so far

Primordial black holes and induced gravitational waves in non-singular matter bouncing cosmology

Researchers have shown spontaneous formation and synchronization of multiple quantum vortices in optically excited semiconductor microcavities.

A nuclear clock prototype hints at ultraprecise timekeeping | The device could allow for new tests of fundamental physics

The World’s First Nuclear Clock Is Finally Ticking

Computational Collision Physics

Physics is unreasonably good at creating new math

Researchers have made a cooling device that uses the physics of radiative cooling, and they say can chill environments with 50% of the energy used by conventional air conditioning

Computational Collision Physics

Serial academic fraudster steals medical, physics and computer science papers

Writing a physics engine from scratch

QuarkPhysics: 2D Physics Engine - Released v1.0.

Making my own 2D Physics simulator in React!

Rust Physics are Insane!

Magical equation unites quantum physics, Einstein’s general relativity in a first

Computational Collision Physics

Why we need to save the Chandra space telescope

New Scientist: The odds of quantum weirdness being real just got a lot higher

New Scientist: Discovery of 'dark' electrons could explain how superconductors work

World's fastest microscope freezes time at 1 quintillionth of a second

Entangled Photons Maintained Under New York Streets

Physicists have sent 20,000 entangled photons per second down a 34-km-long section of a New York fiber-optic network with a fidelity of 99%

Physicists determine the optimal "pumping" strategy for skateboarders to use to gain speed

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