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New study unveils breakthrough in understanding cosmic particle accelerators

Biological magnetoreception (like in migratory birds) approach the quantum energy resolution limit, suggesting that nature operates close to fundamental quantum limits

Physicists describe exotic ‘paraparticles’ that defy categorization

Physicists Measure Quantum Geometry of Electrons For First Time

SpaceX loses spacecraft after catching rocket booster at the launch pad in latest Starship test

Confinement induced strain effects in epitaxial graphene

Complexity physics finds crucial tipping points in chess games

SHREC: A Physics-Based Machine Learning Approach to Time Series Analysis and Causal Driver Reconstruction

[2410.19146] Rewrite it in Rust: A Computational Physics Case Study

George R.R. Martin has co-authored a physics paper

Controlling few-body reaction pathways using a Feshbach resonance - Nature Physics

Rewrite it in Rust: A Computational Physics Case Study

Scientists Have Confirmed the Existence of a Third Form of Magnetism

Particle gains or loses mass depending on direction it travels

Quantum uncertainty and wave–particle duality are equivalent, experiment shows.

Physicists Magnetize a Material with Light

First sighting of 'neutrino fog' sparks excitement, bad news for dark matter?

Scientists develop matchbox-sized laser in a bid to boost quantum research

CERN's Large Hadron Collider finds the heaviest antimatter particle yet

When the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) produces top quarks – the heaviest known fundamental particles – it regularly creates a property known as magic.

Huge Experiment Gives First Glimpse of The Internal Structure of a Neutron

String theory, conceptualized more than 50 years ago as a framework to explain the formation of matter, remains elusive as a provable phenomenon

A recent modeling study finds a simple technique to tie polymers in knots

Google's New Chip Could Crack One of Quantum Computing's Biggest Problems

Hybrid theory offers new way to model disturbed complex systems: Researchers develop a theory that describes both the system-level dynamics and the probability distributions that characterize the system components for complex systems in flux.

Physicists Map Out Quantum Entanglement in Protons

Advancing wavefront sensing: meta Shack-Hartmann sensor enhances phase imaging

Evidence of primordial black holes may be hiding in planets, or even everyday objects here on Earth

New physics sim can compress training times from decades into hours

Researchers in Japan developed a 3D atomic structure from scattering data of different TNO samples to examine the factors that affect the negative-electrode properties

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