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Children in the US born in 2020 and 2021 had lower coverage for nearly all vaccines than those born in 2018 and 2019

1000s of Toxins from food packaging found in humans – research

A study has uncovered a critical brain-gut connection that links psychological states to changes in the gut microbiome, with profound implications for immune function and stress-related health conditions

Caffienated Coffee and Tea may be linked to a lower risk of several diseases

About a third of children and teens around the world are shortsighted, and this could increase to 40% by 2050, find study across 50 countries and over 5 million children and teens

Study shows how long jab protects as under-10s fall ill with measles

Alarming Surge: Global Crisis of Childhood Overweight and Obesity

Nearly 200 potential mammary carcinogens found in food contact materials

Hybrid COVID variant XEC is more contagious: What to know about the new strain

Myopia will affect 740m children and teenagers by 2050

Unlocked, loaded guns more common among parents who give kids firearm lessons

Breastfeeding from 1 to 8 months of age is associated with better cognitive abilities at 4 years old, study finds

You might soon be buying anti-aging skincare products containing fish guts

Growing divide: Rural men are living shorter, less healthy lives than their urban counterparts

‘Weekend warrior’ workouts may be as effective as daily exercise, study shows

Exposure to vape and e-cigarette residue on surfaces while pregnant could be putting unborn babies at risk of immune system damage, new research in mice suggests.

Predicting The Risk Of Alzheimer’s And Other Diseases With ‘Protein Clock’ Blood Tests

Getting morning sunlight can improve sleep quality, study suggests

Cannabis use during pregnancy is directly linked to negative impacts on babies’ brain development

Mental health concerns are second only to musculoskeletal complaints for patients visiting primary care physicians, finds new study of 350 million primary care visits

Aircraft noise at night is linked to poor sleep quality and disrupted sleep-wake cycles: people exposed to higher levels of nighttime aircraft noise experience more restlessness during sleep and disturbances in their daily sleep rhythm…

UK government’s nutrition advisers are paid by world’s largest food companies, BMJ analysis reveals

Microplastics in urinary tract spark water safety concerns - A new study revealed their presence in kidney, bladder and urine samples

Engineers have developed an electronic finger wrap that monitors vital chemical levels -- such as glucose, vitamins, and even drugs -- present in the same fingertip sweat from which it derives its energy

Evidence for widespread human exposure to food contact chemicals

Women who followed a Mediterranean diet during pregnancy had kids who, at 2 years, were less likely to be overweight or obese (6%) compared to those in the control group (33%)

Taking vitamin D supplements during pregnancy could be a key strategy to boost bone health in children

Tea, red wine, berries and even dark chocolate (flavonoid-rich foods) could help reduce the risk of dementia, suggests a new study of over 120,000 adults aged 40 to 70, especially if they had a high genetic risk of dementia…

Combining calorie restriction with exercise is the best for weight loss, fat reduction, and preserving muscle, while time-restricted eating with exercise is slightly less effective but best for women’s muscle maintenance

Screen time in the 2 hours before bed had no association with most measures of sleep health

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