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Microplastics block blood flow in the brain, mouse study reveals

People With ADHD Have Shorter Life Expectancy, Study Finds

Why Computer Scientists Consult Oracles

Nearly Three-Quarters of All Known Bacterial Species Have Never Been Studied

OpenFlexure Microscope

Early 'Forever Chemicals' Exposure Could Impact Economic Success in Adulthood, Study Says

Most Influential Papers in Computer Science History

Scientists Find 'Spooky' Quantum Entanglement Within Individual Protons

Pioneering CERN Scheme Will Pay Publishers More If They Hit Open-Science Targets

Why Fires Spread Quickly in Modern Cities

Exercise may be the 'most potent medical intervention ever known'

Ants Best Humans At Test of Collective Intelligence

New 'All-Optical' Nanoscale Sensors of Force Access Previously Unreachable Environments

New Device's Radio Waves Reveal Lead Contamination In Soil

Getting Started in Cryo-EM (2016)

Boring Cities Are Bad for Your Health

Bluesky's science takeover: 70% of Nature poll respondents use platform

Why is convex hull so important in computer science?

'Snowball Earth' Evolution Hypothesis Gains New Momentum

Michigan passes law mandating computer science classes in high schools | Code literacy requirement aims to equip students for future jobs

Climate scientist argues it's time to ditch the 'myth of neutrality' | Challenging the neutrality myth in climate science and activism

Rewrite it in Rust: A Computational Physics Case Study

Science has a reproducibility crisis on its hands, and biomedical researchers believe the infamous “publish or perish” research culture is behind it

Researchers from the Institute of Science Tokyo and Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University said that they have developed a peptide that can bind to the spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2 to prevent COVID-19 infections.

Cyantic - an extensible builder pattern for Pydantic

Air pollution and brain damage: what the science says

Why kids need to take more risks: science reveal benefits of wild, free play

Anti-science movements are associated with harassment of—and violence against—scientists

Two Bites of Data Science in K

Computer Science Papers Every Developer Should Read

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