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Europe's deadly floods are glimpse of future climate

Massive dinosaur skull unearthed in Northern Alberta

China raises retirement age for first time since 1950s

Amazon says workers must be in the office. The UK government disagrees. Who is right?

Sharp rise in “problematic” social media usage by teens

What's the point of buying the latest smart phone?

Fake CV lands top 'engineer' in jail for 15 years

'A tech firm stole our voices - then cloned and sold them'

Doctors are worried a combat sport called slap fighting, watched by millions and gaining in popularity, may be causing brain damage

‘Earth sure looks like a perfect world’: First non-professional astronauts walk in space

Ceefax and the Birth of Interactive TV

When robots can't riddle: What puzzles reveal about the depths of our own minds

McDonald's and supermarkets failed to spot slavery

Self-medicating gorillas may hold clues to future drug discovery

China Raises Retirement Age For First Time Since 1950s

Cat memes went viral 100 years ago

AI took their jobs. Now they get paid to make it sound human

Dozens arrested as crime message network dismantled

YouTube restricts teenager access to fitness videos

Hollywood industry in crisis after strikes, streaming wars

1913: When Hitler, Trotsky, Tito, Freud and Stalin all lived in the same place

Sweden blames Iran for cyber-attack after Quran burnings

UK Business Secretary Says Right To Work From Home Boosts Productivity

Flight diverted after passenger finds mouse in meal

'Our plan worked': How Vienna prepared itself for a 5k-year flood

Apple told to pay €13bn in tax by EU

The largest dam removal in US history is complete

Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy

Hezbollah members reportedly injured by exploding pagers

The crypto bros crowdfunding a new country

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