
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Oracle, it's time to free JavaScript

The father of JavaScript joins forces with nearly 10000 developers to collectively attack Oracle…

UltimateExpress: make your Express server up to 5 times faster by changing 1 line of code

JS Dates Finally Fixed

Date-fns 4.0

WebP: The WebPage Compression Format

How I implemented a like button without Authentication

Show HN: Mitata – Benchmarking tooling for JavaScript

Improve your tests with inverse assertions

The web's clipboard, and how it stores data of different types

Math concepts converted to JavaScript

I started building a personal suite of tools for creating beautiful web apps, and i'm making them open source while learning.

Don't Sleep on AbortController

Local-First Vector Database with RxDB and transformers.js

Simple, Lightweight, Responsive Vanilla Datepicker

What's a statement completion value in JavaScript?

The fastest JS color library

Rendering shell-like progress indicators

An ¨everything is a stream¨ UI library

Regexes Got Good: The History And Future Of Regular Expressions In JavaScript

Made a youtube NPC comment blocked extension

Explicit is better than implicit

Patterns for Memory Efficient DOM Manipulation with Modern Vanilla JavaScript

I Built My First SaaS (BookMe) – Appointment Scheduling Tool! Here’s What I Learned

I built a 1kB, dependency-free CRON scheduler

Storybook 8.3 release

Why we switched from Cypress to Playwright

Astro 5.0 Beta released

These 5000 npm packages consume >4.5 PB of traffic per week

OS-themed site: no JavaScript, accessible and mobile-first

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