
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Node.js can run TypeScript

The Concise TypeScript Book

Pattern Matching en TypeScript

Why TypeScript Will Never Add Strict Omit

Mongogrator: A MongoDB migration CLI tool for Typescript & Javascript

Covarianza, Contravarianza e Invarianza en TypeScript

An Example for a using Typescript with React

TypeScript-based Request Manager built around the Observer design pattern.

A TypeScript-based Dependency Injection (DI) container with support for various binding types (singleton, transient, scoped), contextual bindings, middleware, circular dependency detection…

A different way to think about TypeScript

Announcing TypeScript 5.6

The Strange Behavior of the void Type in TypeScript

Show HN: The most comprehensive authentication library for TypeScript

This Week's JavaScript news: TypeScript 5.6, Bun Integrates C, Fastify v5, and more.

Created a Gherkin Linter in TypeScript

This Typescript Behavior Will Make You Cringe

go2type: A Go to TypeScript API client generator.

Show HN: Parse your Postgres queries into a fully-typed AST in TypeScript

Show HN: ts-remove-unused – Remove unused code from your TypeScript project

Microdoft TypeScript finally implements resizable ArrayBuffer, among other ArrayBuffer features/fixes

Clases Genéricas en TypeScript

Model-Initializer: Setup schemas (for new instances/validation) with a similar feel to how you write TypeScript interfaces.

How to Create a Type to Retrieve All Keys of an Object in TypeScript

How to apply Playwright test steps with TypeScript decorators

TypeScript isn’t just JavaScript with types – and it has a lot of potential

Learn how to build a Micro Frontend app with Typescript, Vite, and react!

I'm Building a QuickBook Client with TypeScript

Wabe - TypeScript and OpenSource Backend as a Service

The Adapter Pattern in TypeScript

I created a free browser-based bugfixing AI agent for JavaScript & TypeScript

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