
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Library for Validating Tax ID Numbers

Show HN: Vomitorium – all of your project in 1 text file

Hot reload Middleware express

Rando: A library for generating random string identifiers, with a sortable option

Convert Tailwind email template to an inline-styled template with one function call

W3.CSS enhanced w/JavaScript new NPM

New NPM Package: Password Strength Analyzer - Effortlessly Evaluate Password Security!

A very tiny js lib like jquery & my first npm package 👇

Show HN: Ayr.js – a reactivity model designed for simplicity

tinyglobby: a fast and minimal alternative to globby and fast-glob

Programming Language Feedback. What do you think of the abilities, and what do you think of it's future?

Check out GitSwitcher – A simple tool I made to manage multiple Git accounts

Show HN: A JavaScript UI library for imperative JSX

Show HN: Preprocessor I've been working 4 years now

Iterable processing lib with async support

insertUrlParams v2 released. Now supports appending search (query) params as well

Blazed.js Npm Package

App inbox notification component for next, vue, react, ngx and flutter

I've made my first NPM package that allows you to store JS functions, objects, and dates in localStorage/sessionStorage in one line.

I've created a light-weight, vanilla web component to create immersive 3D carousels and cylinders

Now that UUIDv7 is lexicographic, does that mean there is no use for ULID?

A little package for your Laravel App Pipeline - Laravel SummDB

What do you think of Deleight?

I have created a simple json query tool, jproc

Code validation library - Somewhat like TypeScript but it also works in your compiled code

Now you can Import and Export Vault Storage - A powerful storage system that fixes many local storage issues

hmpl-loader - webpack loader for files with .hmpl extension

OpenAPI code generator - it will generate openapi specs with the specified language

migrate-ai: CLI tool designed to assist in migrating code from various frameworks and languages

NPM Shenanigans

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