
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]


Oxford Electric Bell

Micromelo Undatus


Ahmed Mohamed Clock Incident

Nothing-up-my-sleeve number

Minakata Kumagusu

.an, the TLD that ceased to exist

Phased Array

Corinthian Bronze

Huffman Coding

Iceland Spar

2007 Boston Mooninite Panic

Jazz Kissa

Farmers' Suicide in the United States

Pioneer Species

Hyper-encryption [Provably unbreakable hyper-encryption in the limited access model]

Brandolini's Law

Amdahl's Law

Ur-Fascism (Umberto Eco, 1995)

Ousterhout's Dichotomy

2001 Anthrax Attacks

Railroad Ecology


Wirth's Law

Pre-Greek Substrate

Elite Overproduction

Hafnium Controversy

Solid-State Battery

NZT-48 had problems (fantasies). After the advent of Google there were problems (reality)

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