
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Theory

Slide rule: One of the simplest forms of analog computer

Actual Play

Four Stages of Competence

Rhumb Line

National Popular Vote Interstate Compact

Open-Source Cola

One Laptop per Child


Immovable Ladder

Protein Leverage Hypothesis

P. boydii – Deadly fungus lacking antimycotic treatment

Canadian Tire Money

Lady tasting tea



.kkrieger – An FPS game from 2004 in 96kb


Eazel, ex-Apple led Linux startup

Bum Farto

Lockheed CL-1201 nuclear-powered transport aircraft concept

Venix is a discontinued version of the Unix operating system

Michael Sperberg-McQueen has died

Assembly Instruction: Halt and Catch Fire (HCF)

NonStop (Server Computers)

Man versus Horse Marathon

Ken Leishman

My Trial as a War Criminal (By Leo Szilard, Inventor of Nuclear Chain Reaction)


British Amateur Television Club

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