
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

The HTTP Query Method

Writing an HTTP Server in Go from Scratch: Part 1

Struggling with Container HTTP Logs? Meet Logmink

benchmark http requests libraries

HTTP: , FTP:, and Dict:?

Kamal Proxy – A minimal HTTP proxy for zero-downtime deployments

Restish: CLI for interacting with REST-ish HTTP APIs with some nice features

How to Easily Send HTTP Requests That Mimic a Browser

secure.py – Simplify HTTP Security Headers for Python Web Apps (Major Update)

FetchPHP – A Simple, Open Source HTTP Library for PHP Inspired by JavaScript’s `fetch`

GStreamer and WebRTC HTTP signalling

Show HN: Httpdbg – A tool to trace the HTTP requests sent by your Python code

Bombardier: Fast cross-platform HTTP benchmarking tool written in Go

Suggested library/framework for simple HTTP POST submission form?

REST and HTTP semantics

I built a Multithreaded HTTP Server in Python

secure.py – Simplify HTTP Security Headers in Python Web Frameworks (Major Update)

My first Go project: Simple http tunnel

Intent to unship: HTTP/2 Push

WASM for backend with async http rest calls?

new python http requests library

TIL: HTTP middleware for custom Go module paths

Built a Load Balancer in Go, with HTTP and Websocket support.

Research Papers on fasthttp vs. net/http Performance Comparison for Thesis

Use python -m http.server in SSL

HTTP/2 is fast but adds complexity

Prometheus on net/http

Muxing grpc+http/1 on same port and broken retryPolicy

How to write a logging middleware for net/http?

Getting http-request-specific data into html/template templates

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