
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Show HN: Doggo – A powerful, human-friendly DNS client for the command line

Cloudflare DNS is down (

Understanding DNS in Kubernetes

French court orders Google, Cloudflare, Cisco to poison DNS to stop piracy

Introducing Gonq: A Simple DNS Query Tool Written in Go 🚀

Tell HN: Steamcommunity.com has lost their DNS-A record

DNS glitch that threatened Internet stability fixed; cause remains unclear

IBDNS: Intentionally Broken DNS server

Days since it was DNS

Documenting my DNS records

Create a DNS Resolver with Go

Microsoft plans to lock down Windows DNS like never before

Microsoft Preview: Zero Trust DNS (Ztdns)

BBS over DNS

IBDNS: the intentionally broken DNS server

Introducing new DNS Diagnostics Tooling

I've just made a dynamic dns updater in golang its my first golang project.Can someone check for mistakes?

A simple DNS server that makes it easier to work with legacy (IPv4) on NAT64

Dns server in rust

DNS traffic can leak outside the VPN tunnel on Android

Bitsquatting – DNS Hijacking without Exploitation (2011)

acme-dns: Limited DNS server with RESTful HTTP API to handle ACME DNS challenges easily and securely

Unable to set DNS on GCP

A dns-query tracking tool written in go.

DNS over Wikipedia

DNSViz: A DNS Visualization Tool

A cartoon intro to DNS over HTTPS (2018)

Users Say Google's VPN App Breaks the Windows DNS Settings

Google Public DNS's approach to fight against cache poisoning attacks

Blocky – a DNS proxy and ad-blocker for the local network

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