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Sony Music Goes After Piracy Portal 'Hikari-no-Akari'

2.6M Piracy Reports Against French Users Resulted in 234 Financial Penalties

OpenDNS Suspends Service in France Due to Canal+ Piracy Blocking Order

French court orders Google, Cloudflare, Cisco to poison DNS to stop piracy

Nintendo Hits 127 Switch Piracy Tutorial Repos After 'Cracking' URL Encryption

Piracy Block Reversed for Tech Site That Reported Site-Blocking Workarounds

IMDB Struggles with Persistent Movie 'Piracy' Problem

Why Piracy Fears are Keeping Some Researchers from Accessing the Games They Need

Piracy is justified after locking consumer purchases behind new hardware [video]

MPA Has Big Plans To Crack Down on Movie Piracy Again

Movie industry demands US law requiring ISPs to block piracy websites

The Motion Picture Association will work with Congress to start blocking piracy sites in the US

Cox Plans To Take Piracy Liability Battle To the Supreme Court

Movie industry demands US law requiring ISPs to block piracy websites

‘X’ Denies Music Companies’ Remaining Piracy Liability Claims in Court.

Plex Asks GitHub to Take Down 'Reshare' Repository over Piracy Fears

ISP's Landmark Piracy Liability Case Doesn't Get a Do-Over in Appeals Court

Italy's Piracy Shield Blocks Innocent Web Sites and Makes It Hard to Appeal

Anti-piracy messages can cause people to pirate more rather than less, with gender differences

Psychological reactance: Scientists reveal how anti-piracy messages can backfire among men

Italy’s new Piracy Shield has just gone into operation and is already harming human rights there

Court blocks $1B copyright ruling that punished ISP for its users' piracy

Italian Piracy Shield Adds Cloudflare IP Thus Blocking many Websites

Apple Pulls Popular Movie Piracy App Kimi From the App Store

Gary Bowser and gaming's most infamous piracy case

Reddit Doesn't Have To Share IP-Addresses of Piracy Commenters, Court Rules

Netflix: Piracy is difficult to compete against and growing rapidly

IPTV Anti-Piracy Threats May Increase Male Motivation to Pirate by 30%

Disney and Warner Bros. Are Causing Internet Piracy to Boom

Visits to piracy websites have increased 12% in the past four years

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