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Apple Developer Enterprise Program

Prioritize work at the task level

Accelerated Jax on Mac

Generating high-quality thumbnails from videos

Safari 18.1 Release Notes

Accelerating the Performance of Rosetta in Linux VMs on Apple Silicon

iOS 18 breaks IMAPS self-signed certs

Python vs Swift for macOS CLI tool?

About the browser choice screen in the EU

Apple: Using alternative browser engines in the European Union

Apple is shipping WebXR on Safari for Vision Pro [video]

macOS 15.0 supports Nested Virtualization on M3 chips

Safari 18 can automatically transition users to passkeys [video]

WWDC 2024 – Platforms State of the Union [video]

macOS Sequoia to Allow iCloud Logins in Virtual Machines on ARM Macs

What's new in Xcode 16 [video]

Changes to iOS App Distribution Fees in the EU

Updated App Store Guidelines Now Allowing "Retro game console emulator apps"

Develop in Swift Tutorials

Software testing: Xcode Simulator question

More options for apps distributed in the European Union

Apple reverses decision to disable PWAs in Europe

Getting started as an alternative app marketplace in the European Union

iOS and Wi-Fi Direct

Using alternative browser engines in the European Union

BrowserEngineKit – Apple Developer Documentation

Distributing apps in the U.S. external purchase link – Support Developer

Apple introduces new options worldwide for streaming game services and apps that provide access to mini apps and games

25 hours of Xcode Cloud now included with the Apple Developer Program

GPU advancements in M3 and A17 Pro [video]

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