
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Ferris easter egg in Tiny Glade

Spinning cube in mode 13h

There has got be a super efficient alto to compress at least just this show.

rainfrog – a database management tui

Added while loop support to my compiler, helix :)

This LEGO IDEAS model called "WORKING TURING MACHINE" by user The Bananaman has already gained 1,920 supporters - but only by reaching 10,000 votes the model will get the chance of becoming a real LEGO set.

This LEGO IDEAS model called "CIPHER MACHINE" by user Norders needs 10,000 votes for the chance of becoming a real LEGO set.

Did you know French are natural Rust developers?

Was I the only one who saw this? (closing keynote at cppcon 24)

Next-gen builder macro Bon 2.3 release πŸŽ‰. Positional arguments in starting and finishing functions πŸš€

Announcing v0.2.0 of `dotlr`: An LR(1) parser generator and visualizer created for educational purposes.

Conway’s Game of Life on MSDOS

Mandelbrot set renderer on MS DOS

Remote Actor Messaging – Kameo 0.10.0 release πŸŽ‰

My brothers in arms. We fought together. We pillaged together. We lexed together.

Ferris cookie cutter!

When title of a South American soap opera embeds itself into title of a memory management paper...

Swimming Ferris

Copper Ferris!

rainfrog – a database management tui for postgres

8x Upscaled Duke Waving (Java Mascot) .GIF

PICO8 game launcher

Next-gen builder macro Bon 2.2 release πŸŽ‰. Derive syntax and cfg support πŸš€

Next-gen builder macro Bon 2.1 release πŸŽ‰. Compilation is faster by 36% πŸš€

Beveled 3D printed Rust challenge coins I designed to share with others starting to learn Rust.

Is this a pigeon?

How do I add a src file?

Announcing v0.2.0 of `dotlr`: An LR(1) parser generator and visualizer created for educational purposes.

For sale

#62290 stabilize pls

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