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Write your CI/CD in JS/TS, not YAML

Program AI Workflows and Agents in natural language (Markdown & YAML)

globstar — open-source static analysis toolkit for writing code checkers in YAML and GO

How do I not include test data files (csv, yaml, etc) in go package

Reading YAML

pop-test v0.6.7 - test DSL, runner, orchestrator - added easy bindings ⭐ write tests from any lang - write tests in JSON, YAML, Scala, Lisp/Guile Scheme, Rust, want to add soon Emacs Lisp as well - manage and test your programs…

RenderCV v2 is released! Write your CV/resume as YAML.

Zig YAML parser

Show HN: Holos – Configure Kubernetes with CUE data structures instead of YAML

Manifest - A Whole Backend That Fits Into 1 YAML file

Is there a path forward for Go's yaml situation?

New better alterative to XML, JSON and YAML

Pkl: Apple's New Configuration Language That Could Replace JSON and YAML

Easily Customize LLM Pipelines with YAML templates.

Streaming yaml parsing, but Decode twice

- Add env placeholders in json and yaml and parse them easily

Which crate for editing Yaml (not serializing/de~)?

Half-day debugging: Norway became 'false' in my YAML config

Generate programming language files from YAML

crd-to-sample-yaml reaches maturity with v1.0.0 release for generating yaml files from CRDs and others

YAML feature extraction with yamlpath

YAML is not a superset of JSON

Jailer Database Tool now also supports JSON and YAML exports.

How to elegantly use pydantic to parse YAML files containing rust enum types ?

Convenient YAML parser in Zig

How to Convert a Large YAML File to JSON in Go While Preserving Key Order?

Jailer Database Tool now also supports JSON and YAML exports.

Introducing Seryaml: A YAML Parser for Rust

Dasel: Select, put and delete data from JSON, TOML, YAML, XML and CSV

CRD validation and Generating a valid YAML out of OpenAPIV3Schema

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