
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Show HN: Dut – a fast Linux disk usage calculator

Show HN: Sodap: Simple Online Directory Access Protocol

Is Codeberg.org financially sustainable relying on member fees? Any precedents?

Show HN: Pomoglorbo, a TUI Pomodoro timer for your terminal

United: free and open membership software for collective organizations

Positionhigh/MicroDexed-touch: a DX7 in a box, with a sequencer and tracker

When is foot fast, and when is it not? (2020)

ECDH based Oblivious Message Retrieval

Light-Project/Stylometry-Spoofer: Changes and spoofs your writing style to avoid stylometry analysis!

Codeberg: Partially Degraded Service

The CacheRevolt Manifesto

Mwmbl: A free, ad-free, non-profit search engine

J3blocks is a Janet scripting system for i3bar and swaybar

Glowdust is a new kind of database management system

Light-Project/dog: a minimal cat alternative

Flohmarkt – A federated, decentral, classified market place using ActivityPub

Caesar13 - A simple image steganography tool written in Python

Secpass - A simple password manager written in Python 3

An implementation of Common Lisp targeting Lua

Foot – A fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator

Gothub: Alternative front-end for GitHub written with Go


1414 Portable C Concurrency Library: dfthread

argon2ian: the Argon2 hash in Wasm for evergreen browsers and Deno – just 8.5kb total

Teddit – An alternative Reddit front-end focused on privacy

rzp: a command line archiver written in Rust

Codeberg – Fast open source alternative to GitHub

Turboshred: A recursive, fast file shredder for UNIX-like systems

Show HN: A Web-Based Visual Query Designer for MySQL

Show HN: Moochacha, quantum-safe file encryption (analyzed by Frama-C)

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