
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Text makeup – a tool to decode and explore Unicode strings

Tulu script added to Unicode Standard; makes communication across digital platforms easier

The Unicode Standard, Version 16.0

Unicode 16 now includes retro video game sprites [pdf]

Bitten by Unicode

Matching unicode word characters with a regexp

The Tao of Unicode Sparklines (2021)

Locales, Encodings, and Unicode

Can INI files be Unicode? Yes, they can, but it has to be your idea

How To Convert Char Array String To Unicode String Correctly In C++?

Unicode CLDR Project

I couldn't debug the code because of my name: Unicode pathname bugs in JetBrai

Unicode (1889)

TLA⁺ Unicode support: Learning to work with others in open source

Unicode 16: Symbols for Legacy Computing Supplement [pdf]

Any idea how to print five digit unicode characters found in UnicodeData.txt?

unicode-segmenter: Unicode grapheme splitter library for JavaScript

Unicode Encoding and Decoding in Python How to Encode and Decode Text Ch...

Show HN: Comma Separated Values (CSV) to Unicode Separated Values (USV)

Unicode surrogate pairs disallowed in string literals?

The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Must Know About Unicode (Still No Excuses!)

Glyphs: unicode symbols on the command line (written in Go)

Vectorizing Unicode conversions on real RISC-V hardware

The revenge of Unicode

Topaz Unicode

I put together a simple python function to print a histogram as unicode text ▁▂▄█▆▃▁▁

Unicode tricks in pull requests: Do review tools warn us?

Terminal Emulators Battle Royale – Unicode Edition

How to Sort Unicode Strings Alphabetically in Python

Proposal to add further characters from legacy computers and teletext to Unicode

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