
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Is this the right way to take user input from user?

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Naming Integers

Is there any GUI for Zig?

Zig Advent Of Code template

Zig's (.{}){} Syntax

Zig vs Odin

Interface library to define & validate ... interfaces for Zig

Total beginner question, coming from Go

Request for Code Review - zig chess

A zero-dependency Google Protocol Buffers implementation in pure Zig

Can you use Zig to cross-compile an application that uses different libraries on different platforms?

Zigualizer: A music visualizer built with Zig, powered by the FFT algorithm.

Idiomatic style of using the tag type in union(enum)

Zig for ultra-low-powered AWS Lambdas?

fancy-cat: pdf viewer inside the terminal

Why get stdin reader from inside a loop

Suggest good std library source files for review

Panicked during a panic

Zig Reproduced Without Binaries

How does this work in std.heap.GenerealPurposeAllocator.allocator()?

Why can you have private methods but not fields? Why does GPA.alloc take *anyopaque and not *This()

Zig nightly now available for brew users (macOS)

Show HN: Lyceum – An MMO game built with Zig and Erlang

Almost generically parsing lua table into a zig struct

Compiling main.c using build.zig ?

Is anyone working on GCC frontend of Zig?

In this article, a very experienced Rust and C++ developer, after finishing rewriting in Rust, concluded that 'it is easier to inadvertently introduce Undefined Behavior in Rust than in C++' and his points would be addressed if he used Zig!

Serializing floats as byte arrays

What's wrong with this Linked List.

One-line gpa

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