
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

built an os with zig that runs an os built with zig that runs doom

Martin Fowler Reflects on Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code

I made a game in x86_64 assembly!

JVM Performance Engineering • Monica Beckwith & Kirk Pepperdine

Rust vs Zig vs Go

Postcards from the Peak of Complexity by Brian Goetz

Project Loom Update #JVMLS

Extremely useful backend engineering course

Building the hundred-year web service with htmx

Deep dive into the Isograph compiler

An In-Depth Look at Floating-Point Numbers

How I animate 3Blue1Brown: a Manim demo

How should a programming language handle exceptions? - Barbara Liskov

Proposal for an intermediate representation model to make LLVM Quantum

How Do We Make LLVM Quantum? - Josh Izaac @ Quantum Village, DEF CON 32

Who invented iterators? - Barbara Liskov

Building a Multiplayer Story Game App on Flutter – Full Tutorial Coming Soon! (Need Your Feedback!)

Follow Up to Rust Based Redox OS Pull Request Snipping

Code Walkthrough: Tokio - Runtime Initialization

How to work with GitHub API in Go

Designing Gleam's Web Framework

Simulating a Self-Driving Car : Path Finding | A* Algorithm

Software Architecture for Tomorrow • Sam Newman & Julian Wood

MySQL vs Postgres Performance Benchmark

Got a QR Code? Learn How to Scan and Save It with CarryLinks!

How important is customer feedback for your SaaS?

Machine Learning Explained: Understanding the Basics

Architecture Modernization: Aligning Software, Strategy & Structure • Nick Tune

Omni*Web: Bootstrapping Decentral'd Web Ecosystems w Omni*Digital Asset Exchange Platform - Part A

What Type of Developer Can Do This?

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