
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

How We Shower and Do Laundry at -71°C (-95°F) in Yakutia, Siberia [video]

Don't Use include-what-you-use

Learning C++ Memory Model from a Distributed System's Perspective (2021)

I wrote a Monty Hall simulation in c++ to help demonstrate why switching wins 66.6% of the time.

A (Draft) Taxonomy of SIMD Usage

C and C++ Prioritize Performance over Correctness

Libc++ Hardening Modes

Needlessly Public

Own Constant Folder in C/C++

How the STL Uses Explicit

A recursive division benchmark among different systems programming languages (C vs. C++ vs. Rust vs. Zig)

Member ordering and binary sizes

The development of the 4klang softsynth

My rust code takes twice as long as my C++ one

Extending an Isolated Embedded Interpreter in C++

CppCast: Safe, Borrow-Checked, C++

jank gets multimethods

Feature flags in Bazel builds

autodafe: tools for freeing your project from the clammy grip of autotools

Weekend projects: getting silly with C

Woman in nude photos gets $5,000 under B.C. law banning sharing without consent

Circle C++ with memory safety

A study of animal stomachs found that "C. sativa and C

Qt Property Macro (Q_PROPERTY with 95% less code)

YouTube channels that do Java code reviews/demos, in the same vein as Nick Chapsas for .NET, and The Cherno for C++?

Memory sealing for the GNU C Library

Could Rust experience help me land a C++ job?

Learning Rust, this code in C++ runs in a semi instant way, where in Rust it's way slower. What could be the bottle neck?

C++ programmer′s guide to undefined behavior: part 1 of 11

build2 0.17.0 released

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