
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

jspin: GUI for running the SPIN model checker

Reading the Generalized Isolation Level Definitions paper with Alloy

Rust Foundation Collaborates with AWS to Verify Rust Standard Libraries

Obtaining statistical properties through modeling and simulation

GenMC: Model checking for concurrent C programs

A Science of Concurrent Programs

How we prevent conflicts in authoritative DNS configuration using formal verification

Model checking safety of Ben-Or’s Byzantine consensus with Apalache

A Liveness Example in TLA+

It's not enough for a program to work – it has to work for the right reasons

Specifying serializability in TLA+

An unexpected discovery: Automated reasoning often makes systems more efficient and easier to maintain

TLA+ Wiki

The RAISE specification language, method, and tools

Why I use TLA+ and not(TLA+)

TLA from first principles

Automated Verification of Go Programs via Bounded Model Checking (2021)

Verified Programming in Dafny

Formally verifying tiny bits of QEMU using Frama-C, Richard W.M. Jones, 2020

Ironclad: Hard real-time capable POSIX-compatible kernel written in SPARK/Ada

TLA⁺ is more than a DSL for breadth-first search

the soundless interstitium

Specification and Model-checking of the ZKsync Governance Protocol

Conway's law

Logic and Computation Intertwined

VeriNum: Formally Verified Numerical Methods

The Future of TLA+ [pdf]

State and time are the same thing

aya-dev: A proof assistant and a dependently-typed language

Streams, Calculational Proofs and Dafny

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