TLA⁺ is more than a DSL for breadth-first search

TLA⁺ Unicode support: Learning to work with others in open source

Wrangling Monotonic Systems in TLA+

Using TLA⁺ at Work: Designing a Snapshot Coordination System

FOSS I Love: Local game streaming with Sunshine and Moonlight

Inlining SVGs for Dark Mode

Google Groups has been left to die

Pseudocode Showdown: Python vs. PlusCal & TLA+

Checking Firewall Equivalence with Z3 (2018)

Can sanitizers find the two bugs I wrote in C++?

Two C++ bugs I found

Writing a TLA⁺ tree-sitter grammar: my foray into free software

What's the difference between a computer and a rock?

The Missing Prelude to The Little Typer's Trickiest Chapter

Two pictures of quantum computation

How do you reason about a probabilistic distributed system?

Taking my home work setup seriously: ergonomics and settling in for the long haul

Doing a math assignment with the Lean theorem prover

Simulating physical reality with a quantum computer

Walking the faster-than-light tightrope: quantum entanglement and the CHSH game