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Reading the Generalized Isolation Level Definitions paper with Alloy

A Liveness Example in TLA+

The carefulness knob

Specifying serializability in TLA+

Futexes in TLA+

Linearizability Refinement Prophecy

Safety First

Contempt for the Glue People

Why do config changes keep coming up in major incidents? (2021)

Modeling B-trees in TLA+

Dirty writes

The error term isn't Pareto distributed

The problem with invariants is that they change over time

What if everybody did everything right?

Cache invalidation really is one of the hardest problems in computer science (2022)


On chains and complex systems

For want of a dollar

Active knowledge

Resilience requires helping each other out

If you can’t tell a story about it, it isn’t real

Cache invalidation really is one of the hardest problems in computer science

Southwest Airlines: a case study in brittleness

Writing docs well: why should a software engineer care?

Cache invalidation is one of the hardest problems in computer science

Imagine there’s no human error

Software engineering in-the-large: the coordination challenge


The Ambiguity of Real Work

I have no idea what I’m doing

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