Acyclic Egraphs and Smart Constructors

Ordinals aren't much worse than Quaternions

Knuckledragger, a Semi-Automated Python Proof Assistant

Justified SMT 1: The Minikanren inside Z3

Simple proofs with Z3Py

Hashing Modulo Theories

Compiling with Constraints

Linear Algebra of Types (2019)

The C bounded model checker: criminally underused

Datalite: A Simple Datalog Built Around SQLite in Python

Verifying Nand2Tetris Assembly with Constrained Horn Clauses (2021)

Proving a Theorem with Rust and Egraphs

Making a “MiniKanren” using Z3Py (2021)

2D Optics Demos in Javascript

A Simplified E-graph Implementation

Translating My Z3 Tutorial to Coq

Automated Propositional Sequent Proofs in the Browser with Tau Prolog

Modeling TLA+ in Z3Py (2020)

Computational Category Theory in Python 3: Monoids, Groups, and Preorders

Linear Algebra of Types

Why I think Haskell is the best general purpose language (as of June 22 2019)

My n00b Thoughts on Faking GADTs in Rust

Deriving the Chebyshev Polynomials using Sum of Squares optimization with Sympy and Cvxpy - Hey There Buddo!