
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

A pilot project in universal algebra to explore new ways to collaborate

What are the odds, II: the Venezuelan presidential election

Work Hard (2007)

There's more to mathematics than rigour and proofs (2007)

AI for math resources, and erdosproblems.com

Ask yourself dumb questions and answer them (2020)

A slightly longer Lean 4 proof tour

Formalizing the proof of PFR in Lean4 using Blueprint: a short tour

Inequalities, convergence, and continuity as "special deals"

A mathematical formalization of dimensional analysis (2012)

Be sceptical of your own work (2009)

AI to Assist Mathematical Reasoning: A Workshop

Make your work available (2007)

Infinite partial sumsets in the primes

Special Relativity and Middle-Earth

What Are the Odds?

Quantum Mechanics and Tomb Raider

There’s more to mathematics than rigour and proofs

Masterclass on mathematical thinking

Terence Tao's favorite problem-solving strategies

Work Hard (By Terence Tao)

Climbing the cosmic distance ladder: Terence Tao book announcement

John Conway

On writing: Write a rapid prototype first

Options for giving math talks and lectures online

Eigenvectors from Eigenvalues

Almost all Collatz orbits attain almost bounded values

Jean Bourgain

Gamifying propositional logic: QED, an interactive textbook

The De Bruijn-Newman constant is non-negative

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