
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

There Is No Such Thing As The Regex

Giving C++ std:regex a C makeover

Matching unicode word characters with a regexp

My first Rust libraries: irange and regex-charclass

When Regex Goes Wrong

Regex Crossword

IT WAS A REGEX?!? - Full CrowdStrike Report Released

regex: Powerful and readable regexes rivaling PCRE/Perl in a lightweight package that outputs native JS regex literals and can be used as a Babel plugin

Ask HN: How did you learn Regex?

RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

flpc: Probably the fastest regex library for Python. Made with Rust 🦀 and PyO3

flpc: The fastest regex library for Python. Wrapper to regex crate. Rust + Python.

Regex backreferences -- yet another use

making regex from scratch in GO

A Better Regex Experience

Data structure to quickly do a regex search on a number of documents

Regexp pre-processing

Regex sucks , so I made a tool to make it easier (hopefully)

`import Regex from 'regex';` - A JS library that's the new best way to create readable, high perf, modern + native regexes, with best practices built-in and support for atomic groups…

Rust Regex problem in a database query

A Rust-based regex port for Python3 to get faster performance. 👾

I ported Rust's Regex Library To Python, but the time taken by the compile parameter was high.

Awesome Regex: The best regex tools, tutorials, libs, etc. for all major regex flavors

GitHub - f01c33/rx: Regex eXplorer, allows you to test your regexes with live-reload

Needle: A DFA Based Regex Library That Compiles to JVM ByteCode

a ergonomics validation, and support email, regex rules

Conditional regex

Show HN: Hate Regex? This Free Tool Writes It for You

Implementing a toy Regex engine using Brzozowski derivatives

slow parallel regex performance in rust

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