
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

The Jame of Life

The Benefits of Conforming

GNU APL 1.9 Released

APL Since 1978 [pdf] (2020)

A List of companies that use Array Languages (J, K, APL, q)

Co-dfns: High-performance, Reliable, and Parallel APL

F (2006)


cuDF – GPU DataFrame Library

The Life of Lil

APL Demonstration (1975) [video]

NumPy-style broadcasting in Futhark

Co-dfns: High-performance, Reliable, and Parallel APL

Another Year With Decker

Forgotten APL Influences (2016) [pdf]

APL programming Offline with the ngn/apl PWA on PC & mobile

Combinatory Programming

Array Languages: R vs. APL (2023)

J Playground

APL Quest

Patterns of data flow in words: How to liberate APL from its style?

Array languages vs. the curse of the spreadsheet

APL – A Glimpse of Heaven (2006)

APL at Volvo

Thinking in an array language

Origins of J


Ranking of Fruits: Sorting in JS, K, and Lil

K/simple: a tiny K interpreter for educational purposes by Arthur Whitney

zkLocus – Authenticated Private Geolocation Off and On-Chain Whitepaper

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