
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Numerical Study of a Moving Dielectric Slab Illuminated by a Plane Wave with the Inclusion of Fresnel Drag

PyRoboCOP: Python-Based Robotic Control and Optimization Package

The History of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)

The history of orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (2009)

ChatGPT is better at generating code for problems written before 2021

My Time With the JFEAC

A Formulation of the Trilemma in Proof of Work Blockchain

Quaternions in Signal and Image Processing

A rapid response system for elderly safety monitoring

POSIX.1-2024 is published

Garbage collect your technical debt (2021)

1800-2023 – IEEE Standard for SystemVerilog

D(HE)at: A Practical DoS Attack on the Finite Field Diffie–Hellman Key Exchange

Defining, Measuring, and Managing Technical Debt

A windowed graph Fourier transform (2012)

Researchers used AI to predict how agricultural land suitability may change by 2050: they predict that global demand for food will increase by 110%, while today about 40% of croplands and pastures are under threat due to the increasing average temperature on the planet and many other factors

Quantitative Analysis of Coins as Size Reference

Americans report less trust in companies, hospitals and police when they are said to "use artificial intelligence"

A Novel Fake News Detection Model for Context of Mixed Languages Through Multiscale Transformer

Flexible wearable sensors could measure the hydration of specific skin layers for monitoring Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema) biomarkers

Developer Productivity for Humans: Software Quality

Emotion data based on facial coding indicate that prolonged usage of TikTok leads to a negative aroused mood supporting the study's broader premise that social media apps lead to mental health issues.

A defined process for project post mortem review (1996)

Need help from people with access to IEEExplore

Singing synthesis as a new musical instrument (2012)

One of Wikipedias open problems in theoretical computer science solved!

Exploring Orthogonal Frequency Division Modulation

Evolution of the Unix System Architecture: An Exploratory Case Study

The LISP 2 Project (2017)

Controllable Music Inpainting with Mixed-Level and Disentangled Representation

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