
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

One rusty awk: Clean slate implementation of Awk merged

Parsing Awk Is Tricky

tbsp: an awk-like language that operates on tree-sitter syntax trees

A brief interview with Awk creator Dr. Brian Kernighan (2022)

Show HN: Jacinda, a functional Awk (text stream processing on the comamnd-line)

Lila: A Lil Interpreter in Posix Awk

Frawk: An efficient Awk-like programming language. (2021)

An Awk Implementation in C99

Shell, Awk, and Make Should Be Combined (2016)

An Awk love story (2019) [video]

Aho – a Git implementation in Awk

Linux Bootcamp : Master the Command Line, SED & AWK

8 Levels of Using awk in Linux

Mercat: A language with a full recursive descent compiler written in Awk

Golang to write a cli script that will run commands and grep/awk them to capture required outputs.

The Awk Programming Language, Second Edition

Using Awk and R to parse 25tb (2019)

GitHub - paololazzari/play: TUI playground for your favorite programs, such as grep, sed and awk

8 Levels of Using awk in Linux

play - TUI playground for your favorite programs, such as grep, sed and awk

The Awk book’s 60-line version of Make

A simple web server written in Awk

CLI text processing with GNU awk

BASH Stack – Bash Awk Sed HTMX web framework

Perl first commit: a “replacement” for Awk and sed

Awk programming language 2nd edition

Fhtagn – A tiny CLI programs tester written in Awk

Announcing my first e-book – Awk One-Liners Explained

A story about one refactoring of the parser grammar in IntelliJ-AWK

Miller: AWK-like command-line tool for CSV, TSV and JSON

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