
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

grepop: Interactive and pop `grep` powered by Charm libraries

ast-grep | structural search/rewrite tool for many languages

Show HN: Semantic Grep – A Word2Vec-powered search tool

posixutils 0.2.0 release - get a grep, people!

Semantic grep

From grep to SPLADE: a journey through semantic search

wfind and wgrep: find and grep on web pages recursively

sig: Interactive grep (for streaming)

Livegrep: Interactively Grep Source Code

Grep by example: Interactive guide

Show HN: grepbible – Grep the Bible

Show HN: Flatito, grep for YAML and JSON files

Like grep but for natural language questions. Based on Mistral 8B or Mixtral 8x7B with up to 52 tokens/s on 8GB GPU. Built from scratch in Rust.

GitHub - eeroel/hae: Like grep but with natural language queries

Ugrep – a more powerful, fast, user-friendly, compatible grep

Grep over IPython output!

COSMIC Edit, a text editor for the COSMIC desktop, using ripgrep's grep library for project-wide search

`rep` is a new Rust find & replace utility that takes grep-formatted matches to replace via standard input

AST-grep(sg) is a CLI tool for code structural search, lint, and rewriting

Golang to write a cli script that will run commands and grep/awk them to capture required outputs.

Ripgrep is faster than grep, ag, Git grep, ucg, pt, sift (2016)

App::Rak – 21st century grep / find / ack / ag / rg on steroids

Blink code search - GUI of live indexed grep for source code.

macOS Sonoma Broke Grep

ast-grep and Python API: A tool for code structural search and rewrite

GitHub - paololazzari/play: TUI playground for your favorite programs, such as grep, sed and awk

play - TUI playground for your favorite programs, such as grep, sed and awk

Show HN: Bogrep – Grep Your Bookmarks

Show HN: SeaGOAT – local, “AI-based” grep for semantic code search

Grep and Log Analysis

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