
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

A proof that Unix utility sed is Turing complete

Linux Bootcamp : Master the Command Line, SED & AWK

A Practical Guide to GNU sed With Examples

8 Uses of sed in Linux

Lichen: The Sed Build System

Chess Written in GNU Sed

GitHub - paololazzari/play: TUI playground for your favorite programs, such as grep, sed and awk

play - TUI playground for your favorite programs, such as grep, sed and awk

Ten Sed Command Examples

Sedmario: NES Super Mario Bros level 1 written in pure sed (2015)

BASH Stack – Bash Awk Sed HTMX web framework

Perl first commit: a “replacement” for Awk and sed


Gorilla-CLI: LLMs for CLI including K8s/AWS/GCP/Azure/sed and 1500 APIs

Using sed to make indexes for books

in-place v0.1.0: Edit files "in-place"; good for sed-likes

Miller: Like Awk, sed, cut, join, and sort for CSV, TSV, and tabular JSON

Learn to Process Text in Linux Using Grep, Sed, and Awk

sreutils: structural regex powered grep(, sed and awk)

Using find . -exec sed is dangerous in a git repo

A digital circuit simulator written in sed

Useful sed scripts and patterns for day to day usage

Sed challenge: join cal -y months into a single column

Linux/BSD command line wizardry: Learn to think in sed, awk, and grep

Miller CLI – Like Awk, sed, cut, join, and sort for CSV, TSV and JSON

GNU BRE/ERE cheatsheet and differences between grep, sed and awk

My books on Regexp and CLI (grep, sed, awk, etc) Free till June 30, would appreciate your feedback

Generate RSS feeds with grep(1), sed(1), and Awk(1)

Are you tired to build, concat, replace URL(s) (via shell scripts sed/awk/tr) from your awesome commandline pipeline? Well! here is the missing piece: `uri`!

Emulating regexp lookarounds in GNU sed

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