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LLM_transcribe_recording: Bash Helper Using Mlx_whisper

A bullet hell game written in bash

Git Bash is my preferred Windows shell

I made a bash cmd to all the lazy commiters who commit changes using --no-verify.

Save Effort: Build a Bash One-Liner

Bash script for your builtin types

Metaprogramming in Bash

bashfuck: Write any bash with only the punctuation characters

C scripting with TCC and Bash

Show HN: Ward – a file vault written in bash

Show HN: notesbash – A notes management TUI written in bash

Show HN: Ell – A command-line interface for LLMs written in Bash

Using Lua Instead of Bash For Automation

RunBash : Seamlessly Run Bash Scripts and Linux Binaries on Windows


LLM-Functions: Easily create LLM tools and agents using Bash/JavaScript/Python

ps aux written in bash without forking

Introduction to Bash Scripting

Bashsimplecurses: Simple curses library made in bash to draw terminal interfaces

A second search for bash scripting alternatives

Show HN: Bash Dungeon – An educational dungeon crawler in the shell

Bash-Oneliners: A collection of terminal tricks for Linux

Another option for the terminal theme , supporting ash/dash/bash/zsh

Show HN: Jb / json.bash – Command-line tool (and bash library) that creates JSON

Advanced Shell Scripting Techniques: Automating Complex Tasks with Bash

New Programming Langauge Makes Bash Scripting Easier

Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide

Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide

Amber: Programming language compiled to Bash

How to parse config files with Bash

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