
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

My Blog Engine Is the Erlang Build Tool

A Pipeline Made of Airbags

It's About the Guarantees

Beating the CAP theorem checklist (2013)

A Distributed Systems Reading List

Negotiable Abstractions

Queues don't fix overload (2014)

Hiding Theory in Practice

Embrace Complexity; Tighten Your Feedback Loops

The Law of Stretched [Cognitive] Systems

The Zen of Erlang (2016)

My Favorite Erlang Container

Errors are constructed, not discovered

Plato's Dashboards

You've got to upgrade Rebar3

Simhashing (Hopefully) Made Simple (2012)

Simhashing (hopefully) made simple

Interval Tree Clocks

You Reap What You Code

The Little Printf

A Pipeline Made of Airbags

The Zen of Erlang (2016)

Inclusiveness in Language for Outsiders Looking In

Complexity Has to Live Somewhere

Awk in 20 Minutes

Clever Functional Design

Ten Years of Erlang

Goodbye Joe

Obfuscated Erlang

Operable software

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