
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

How do Fibers Work? A Peek Under the Hood (2019)

Scala is experimenting with checked exceptions and they work with lambdas

Scala and Java Together is a good combination?

Choosing between Rust and Scala for my future years as an Engineer. How do you visualize Rust job market in the near future?

from Scala to Rust

Cats Actors now supports Scala 3

Knowing Scala can give me any edge in Rust?

Safe, Concise, Performant code with the Scala Programming Language, by Haoyi Li

As a beginner in functional programming, I would like to know if Scala is a good pick to learn the same? Also, would be grateful to understand the demand of Scala in functional programming

Scala in 100 Seconds

Why is Scala leading benchmarks?

Comparing Compiler Errors in Go, Rust, Scala, Java, Kotlin, Python, Typescript, and Elm


12 years of the com.lihaoyi Scala Platform

Interested in perspectives of people who worked with functional languages (Scala, OCaml, F#, Haskell, etc.) and then became Go developers and are enjoying it.

Scala or Rust for job opportunities?

Chisel and C++, together at last

Show HN: AutoMQ - A Cost-Effective Kafka Distro That Can Autoscale in Seconds

OpenAPI Generator v7.5.0 released with a new Scala Cask server generator

Scala.php 0.1.1 released!

We Bet on Scala at SwissBorg

From Nand to Tetris, via Scala

Can We Borrow Scala's Syntax Sugar? 🦀✨

A Splendid Scala Journey

OpenAPI Generator v7.3.0 released with 4 new generators for Rust, Kotlin, Scala and Java

A Beginner's Guide to GraphQL in Scala

Is there something like Scala REPL but for Java?

Micro-Optimization for Fun and Profit

What Can Scala Learn from Rust? by John A. De Goes

Lichess Upgrades to Scala 3 (2022)

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