
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

The Hardest Part of EXWM

Guile-Emacs Relaunched

Advanced Python Development Workflow in Emacs

Emacs: A Basic and Capable Configuration

My Resignation from Emacs Development

The missing text focused programming environment

chatgpt-shell goes offline

Emacs arbitrary code execution and how to avoid it

chatgpt-shell goes multi-model

gptel: a simple LLM client for Emacs

Treesitter Issues (in Emacs)

Andrew Favia | Python has a hidden small text editor available. With Emacs Keybindings.

Implementing attributes for plain text using subranges like Emacs

Ask HN: Alternative to Emacs with undo-tree functionality?

ccls and LSP Semantic Tokens

Hide another detail

Ask HN: If you were rewriting Emacs from scratch, what would you do differently?

emacs configs for rust

Some Advice for How to Make Emacs Tetris Harder (2019)

Emacs Speaks Statistics

Speech Dictation Mode for Emacs

Kubed (Emacs-based Kubernetes interface) user manual, now with pretty images

Seek and you shall find

Emacs Bubble Mode

Howm: Personal Wiki for Emacs

How I batch apply and save one-liners

Spiffing up those echo messages

Neovim vs Emacs: Which should I stick with for programming, notes, and project building?

I am an intermediate vim user and would like to know if I should make the effort to learn emacs

Emacs: ‘ef-eagle’ and ‘ef-owl’ are added to the ‘ef-themes’

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