
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Inline previous result in Emacs Lisp

A Cloudflare Workers primer: hello world

A Murder at the End of the World: Are you Vi or Emacs?

Native Emacs/macOS UX integrations via Swift modules

Building your own bookmark launcher

Send note to Kindle

Inline previous result and why you should edebug

Further sqlite-mode extensions

My custom Tesco Clubcard pkpass

Extending sqlite-mode (cell navigation + edits)

A cure for JavaScript fatigue?

Duplicate this

ChatGPT visits the Emacs doctor

noweb: the lesser known org babel glue

Recording and screenshotting windows: the lazy way

chatgpt-shell updates

My Emacs eye candy

Show HN: Shell-maker, a maker of Emacs shells

A ChatGPT Emacs Shell

Emacs: org-present in style

Emacs: insert and render SF symbols

Emacs: ffmpeg and macOS aliasing commands

Emacs: Macro me some SF Symbols

Emacs: Context-aware yasnippets

Emacs: Quickly Killing Processes

Hey Emacs, where did I take that photo?

Emacs: macOS sharing (DWIM style)

Improving on Emacs macOS sharing

Emacs: A welcoming experiment

dwim-shell-command usages: pdftotext and scp

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