
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Dasel: Select, put and delete data from JSON, TOML, YAML, XML and CSV

My First Rust Project - A TOML Parser and Viewer

Made a VSCode extension for Cargo.toml

Simple question about TOML

Weird error when upgrading cargo_toml

error: could not find `Cargo.toml` in `/home/yamiyuki` or any parent directory

.cargo/config.toml ignored?

Does everything Rust have to be .toml?

cargo-sanitize : a tool to "sanitize" a Cargo.toml file before releases

Nine Rust Cargo.toml Wats and Wat Nots

GitHub action to determine when version has changed in `Cargo.toml`

Custom field in Cargo.toml

Cmkr – a modern build system based on CMake and TOML

Github: cvtek: Craft your Resume/CV using TOML

Rust Digger: More than 14% of crates configure rustfmt. 35 Have both rustfmt.toml and .rustfmt.toml

Import in toml??

any way to specify project dependencies without a cargo.toml file?

Simple-TOML-Configurator - A Python library for management of configuration settings in TOML format

Pipelight - Tiny deployment pipelines in Toml, Yaml and Js (v0.7.20)

TomYAML - I've started to develop another toml and yaml parser [mostly for my own fun]. Help me to come up with features.

In Vscode the build task is looking for cargo.toml in the wrong directory. how to fix?

Any idea where I can get a pyproject.toml file that lints like PyCharm?

Bevy recompiles every time new dependency added to cargo.toml

problems overwriting linker arguments in cargo.toml for build process.

UniDep: Unified Conda and Pip dependency management via pyproject.toml

You should track your finances in TOML

For Poetry users: I've made a video explaining the TOML format

I've made a YouTube video explaining the TOML format

need help to parse chrono Duration from config.toml using toml crate

TOML vs in Rust

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