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Computational Mathematics Differential Equations Project

Computational Collision Physics

Armaaruss has taken control of the sky

An ancient god comes alive through JavaScript code. The Armaaruss Military Drone and Soldier Detection System (Armaaruss Model Sys Version 1).

Simple javascript code that could help soldiers and civilians evade drone strikes

Anointing the State of Israel as the Center of Artificial General Intelligence

Rethinking Prolog

The Process of Extracting Black Holes and New Forensic Image Technique for Investigation Using Light Waves That Can Detect Forgery, and A.I

A new bit comparision based sorting algorithm

The common origin of Japanese and Turkish language can be traced back to beginning of millet farming in the early Neolithic period

Physico-Chemical Properties Mediating Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity of Engineered Nanomaterials

NanoGenotoxicology: The DNA damaging potential of engineered nanomaterials

Megastructures Superweapons and Global Architectures in Sci-Fi Computer Games

Against Set Theory (2005)

If Nearly all Airbnb Reviews are Positive, Does that Make them Meaningless?

Old Technologies Never Die, They JustDonā€™t Get Updated (2010)

The Robot economy and the future of work

On the relationship between Resource-Event-Agent accounting and SAP (2004)

Coal with Carbon Capture and Sequestration is not as Land Use Efficient as Solar Photovoltaic Technology for Climate Neutral Electricity Production

Burnout vs. Major Depressive Disorder (2014)

Paper: Software Systems Architectural Design Foundations: 01 Introduction

The Use of ASCII Graphics in Roguelikes: Aesthetic Nostalgia and Semiotic Difference

Is Drone Technology A Smart Idea for the Real Estate Industry?

Undergrad researcher comes up with new equation in gas thermodynamics

A Cross-Cultural Comparison Between Finnish Quietude and Japanese Tranquility

Teach Yourself Logic 2016: A Study Guide

Should This Be the Last Thing You Read on Academia.edu?

Practice vs. Theory: The British Electrical Debate, 1888-1891

Colour Symbolism in Ancient Mesopotamia

New analysis of carbon isotopes shows: people 30,000 yrs ago did consume mammoth in large quantities. But their dogs got reindeer

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