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Physicists from the STAR Collaboration have observed the antimatter hypernucleus antihyperhydrogen-4 — composed of an antihyperon, an antiproton and two antineutrons — in collisions of atomic nuclei at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at DOE’s Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Muonium: Short-Lived Antimatter Atom Mimics Hydrogen, Could Probe Fundamental Physics and Gravity.

Antimatter Propulsion [pdf]

how antimatter spacecraft will work

Warp drive's best hope dies, as antimatter falls down

Pulsars, not dark matter, explain the Milky Way’s antimatter

Scientists closer to solving mystery of antimatter - BBC News

Antimatter falls down, not up: CERN experiment confirms theory

Observation of the effect of gravity on the motion of antimatter

Antimatter Reacts to Gravity in the Same Way as Ordinary Matter, Physicists Find

Nothing's the Matter With Antimatter, New Experiment Confirms

Large Hadron Collider may be closing in on the universe's missing antimatter

Antimatter Brings Shitposting to the Classroom

An Antimatter Experiment Shows Surprises Near Absolute Zero

A small, powerful star just unleashed 40 trillion mile-long beam of antimatter

Matter and antimatter respond to gravity in the same way, study finds | Space

Antiprotons show no hint of unexpected matter-antimatter differences

Can Antimatter Be Generated in a Lab?

Scientists Convert Light into Matter and Antimatter, New Study Confirms

Some of the greatest mysteries in cosmology revolve around antimatter

Collisions of Light Produce Matter/Antimatter from Pure Energy

Particle seen switching between matter and antimatter at CERN

New particle evidence suggests that there could be entire stars of antimatter hidden in the most isolated corners of the galaxy..

Scientists Directly Manipulated Antimatter With a Laser In Mind-Blowing First

Antimatter seems exceedingly rare, but astronomers have found circumstantial evidence hinting that antimatter stars — antistars — might exist

Antimatter Atoms Can Be Precisely Manipulated and Cooled With Lasers

Researchers at CERN reveal the world’s first laser-beamed manipulation of antimatter

Decades-Long Quest Reveals Details of the Proton’s Inner Antimatter

Discivery Of Antimatter, Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry, Space Shuttle Endeavour, Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, ASACUSA Detector, Large Hadron Collider

Constraint on matter–antimatter symmetry-violating phase in neutrino oscillation

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