Durability of Polymers in the Space Environment [pdf]

Antimatter Propulsion [pdf]

What made Apollo a success? (1971) [pdf]

NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

A “Critical” Tracking Task for Man-Machine Research (1966)

Fastener Design Manual (1990)

Stopping Computer Crimes (1989)

NASA Eaglework laboratories is experimenting to see if they can create warp drives as well as detecting the warping of space time.

'Helical Engine' Concept Could Reach 99% the Speed of Light

Simulating Futures in Extended Common Lisp (1988)

Italu – An Integral Table Look – Up (1967, MIT)

What Made Apollo a Success (1971)


Error Cost Escalation Through the Project Life Cycle

Cleanroom Software Engineering Case Study at NASA: Early Analysis (1990)

History of Ball Bearings (1981)

On the typography of flight deck documentation – NASA

Survey of Formal Methods for Intelligent Swarms (2004)

NASA's 'Clear Air Study'. The exact name of the study; Interior Landscape Plants for Indoor Air Pollution Abatement

Nuclear Pulse Propulsion – Orion and Beyond (2000)

NASA Systems Engineering Handbook (2008)

Delay Tolerant Networking

Experimental Animal Decompressions to a Near-Vacuum Environment [1965]

FORTRAN subroutine for rotation of three-dimensional line figures (1970) [pdf]

A team at NASA's Eagleworks Laboratories has released a paper, titled "Anomalous Thrust Production from an RF Test Device Measured on a Low-Thrust Torsion Pendulum", demonstrating an apparently working reactionless thruster.