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Chinese Scientists Have Developed an Electromagnetic Vortex Cannon

Princeton Researchers Have Discovered a New Method to Reshape the Fabric of Life

AI predicts earthquakes with unprecedented accuracy

Revolutionary Quantum Compass Could Soon Make GPS-Free Navigation a Reality

Superior Strawberries Unlocked Through Genetics

Revolutionary Dual Action Antibiotic Makes Bacterial Resistance Nearly Impossible

Groundbreaking New Research Hub Aims To Develop “Near-Unhackable” Quantum Internet

Earth's Temperature Could Increase by 14C: New Research in Nature Communications

Quantum Leap in Superconductivity As Electrons Pair at Higher Temperatures

Quantum Breakthrough: 1.58 Dimensions Unlock Zero-Loss Energy Efficiency

Stanford Reverses Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer's with Brain Metabolism Drug

The Cause of Alzheimer's Might Not Be Amyloid

New research on why Cahokia Mounds civilization left

Unmanned submarine discovers ice shelf mysteries, then disappears

Circularly Polarized Light Unlocks Ultrafast Magnetic Storage and Spintronics

String Theory Unravels New Pi Formula: A Quantum Leap in Mathematics

Venezuela's Last Glacier, Humboldt, Has Melted Away

Study finds 6 biological subtypes of depression w brain imaging/machine learning

“Unprecedented Discovery” – New Low-Cost Catalyst Converts Carbon Dioxide to Valuable Chemicals

Stronger, Faster, Lighter: The New Steel That’s Powering Electric Vehicles

Cheap Catalyst Made Out of Sugar Has the Power To Destroy CO2

Promethium Discovery Set to Rewrite Chemistry Textbooks

Synthetic Bones Designed by AI Set to Transform Orthopedic Surgery

Autonomous AI Robot Creates a Shock-Absorbing Shape No Human Ever Could

Revolutionizing Renewable Energy: Scientists Develop New Low-Cost Battery With Over 8000 Uses

Einstein’s Legacy Proven Again With Monumental Black Hole Discovery

MIT Uncovers Photomolecular Effect: Light Can Vaporize Water Without Heat

NASA Unveils Game-Changing Electric Propulsion Technology for Future Space Missions

Not Science Fiction: Harvard Scientists Have Developed an “Intelligent” Liquid

New Research Reveals That the Spinal Cord Can Learn and Memorize

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