Electric grid is vulnerable to cyberattacks and needs to be made more secure, group warns

Massive 1.1-GW Misae solar complex in Texas moves to Phase II

More Tesla version 3 "Solar Glass" installations in the wild, a photo gallery update

US research Lab data suggests 55% of electricity from solar is doable, with about 6% of said electricity being wasted

Solar bridges the political divide: A study released by Nature Energy has found residential solar installations are dispersed nearly equivalently among democrats and republicans and that solar households are more politically active than their generation-naked neighbors.

A Solar Power Plant designed to deliver 100% of the electricity after sunset

In lab secrets, Tesla is talking about 20-year lithium ion batteries: Researchers found lithium ion NMC532 graphite battery cells have the potential to stay structurally sound long enough for cars to reach 1 million miles, and grid connected energy storage to last more than 20 years.

California Approves Solar+school Buses

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a device they say could “turbocharge” a single-junction silicon PV cell, pushing the technology beyond its theoretical limit to efficiencies of 35% and higher.

Los Angeles seeks record setting solar power price under 2¢/kWh

2/3 of U.S. voters say 100% renewable electricity by 2030 is important

The nuclear city goes 100% renewable: Chicago may be the largest city in the nation to commit to 100% renewable energy, with a 2035 target date

Cost breakdown for Solar PV with lithium-ion storage

Solar demand overwhelms Michigan utility – not “predictable”

Look, in the sky – is it a bird? Is it a plane? No – it’s solar power! Alta Devices gallium arsenide solar cell broke the single junction record with a 29.1% efficiency…

Using carbon nanotubes and rectennas to yield a 90% efficient solar cell

Wind dominates, solar taking land from gas as cheapest electricity

US triples energy storage installations, residential grows 10X to become largest sector

California grid operator opens doors for behind-the-meter batteries, distributed resources

Michigan municipality going 100% renewable - 12% now, 15% by 2021, 40% by 2025 and 100% by 2040

California 100% renewable energy bill heads to Assembly - The bill to set California on a path to 100% renewable energy by 2045 has passed out of an Assembly committee…

US Senate introduces solar tariff repeal bill

California residential solar power headed toward $1/W and 2.5¢/kWh

First Solar to build the biggest solar factory in the Western Hemisphere – in Ohio

Tesla Solar Roof installations appearing in the wild

Falling lithium-ion battery prices to drive rapid storage uptake

Albuquerque to install over $25 million worth of solar on city buildings - The announcement builds on Albuquerque’s commitment to get 25% of its energy from solar by 2025.