WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange warns Trump that full net neutrality repeal could inhibit tweets

Surprise: Unanimous FEC to push for Internet regulation

IRS warning: Tax refunds face theft due to Equifax hacking

Trump team ignores White House petitions after talk of pulling the plug

Supreme Court takes up warrantless cellphone searches -- The U.S

Senate Democrat: Keep Equifax away from government contracts

Rick Perry's vision of hot tub-sized nuclear power plants isn't so far-fetched - ‘Perry called them "small modular reactors." But the version of the technology he described would function more like a nuclear battery than a conventional…

International Trade Commission ruling sets stage for Trump to impose tariffs on solar imports

Clean energy is a matter of national security; even the military knows it

Utility giant announces solar plants in the heart of coal country

Snowden: WikiLeaks document dump on CIA hacking capability 'looks authentic'

Dem Infrastructure Plan Includes $20Mil for Rural Broadband.

New CIA director thinks Snowden should be killed

Tech firm brags about blocking FBI from recovering Clinton emails

Federal regulation of Internet coming, warn FCC, FEC commissioners

Is Online Free Speech Under Attack?: "Regulators in Washington [District of Columbia, USA] are showing increasing interest in tightening rules on political speech on the web, arguing that the dissonant voices enabled by 'new media' have become too influential."

Clinton email reveals: Google sought overthrow of Syria's Assad

"Amazon announced over the weekend that it's reversing its position on encryption, after it was reported last week that the company had removed the option of encrypting data on its Fire operating systems."

Sen. John McCain: Encrypted communication is "unacceptable"

Clinton has highest percentage of fake followers

China asks world to impose 'code of conduct' on Internet

Class action filed against SpaceX over mass layoffs